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Containit 2015-2016


A team of seven students at Covenant Day School gathered together with a vision to serve their community and make a difference using their platforms as high school students. After much prayer, planning, and time, they created Containit: a student led initiative that turns used shipping containers into sustainable housing for the impoverished peoples in our community. With our skills, vision, and lots of prayer, our team came up with a design for a shipping container, and began construction. By the end of the school year, we had a fully insulated and furbished container that we were ready to send to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Our team then took the trip to deliver the container and add the finishing touches. This container is currently on the reservation and it serves as a transitional home for those in need of shelter. A family on the Reservation, the NoNecks, have helped us with this container and keep it up and running.

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